13 Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Watch For
6. Nausea And Vomiting:
When the body burns fat to fulfill its energy needs, it also produces “ketones“. Ketones can rise to dangerous levels in your blood, due to which you may feel stomach upset and you may complain of nausea and vomiting. This is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
7. Skin Troubles:
Along with the weak ability to heal the wound, due to poor blood circulation, the body also fails to fight infection. So if you feel red marks, itching, swelling in any part of the body, then understand that it is a skin related infection caused by diabetes. This is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
8. Late Healing Of Wounds:
If one of your wounds is taking longer than normal to heal, you may have diabetes. In fact, due to diabetes, the increased amount of glucose in the blood can gradually affect your veins, due to which the circulation of blood in the body is not being done properly. In such a situation, the right amount of blood does not reach the place of injury and the supply of oxygen and nutrients that comes with it is also interrupted. Because of this, wounds take longer than necessary to heal. This is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
9. Tingling Feet:
An increase in blood sugar level can cause your nervous system to deteriorate, ruining the nerves of the hands and feet, known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Tingling in the fingers and ankles is one of the earliest symptoms of this disease. If you have diabetes and feel numbness and burning sensation after tingling, get a screening test done immediately, as well as let the neurologist know the reason. This is one of the symptoms of diabetes.