9 Reasons Why We Crave Junk Food Like Hamburgers, Pizzas And Hot Dog


Stressful Day Makes You Eat Junk All Day:

In a stressful situation, our body releases a stress hormone known as “Cortisol”. Fats and sugars have been scientifically proven to make one feel better and give comfort. As a result, our body ends up craving more of such foods. A study backed this up by concluding that sugar seems to lower cortisol and quiet stress signals in the brain.

Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormones Are The Reason You Eat Junk:

Be it your monthly menstrual periods or when a lady is pregnant, hormones in your body can create complete chaos. Namely, hormones like Leptin and Serotonin which are involved in the co-ordination between your gut and brain can lead to super strong cravings at weird hours.

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