Know All About Viral Fever And The Symptoms Of Viral Fever
Although viral fever can occur in any season, but in the rain, the virus can become more active and can easily infect our body. If you or any member of your family has a viral fever then read carefully the things mentioned in this article. Here we have listed the reason, prevention, treatment and symptoms of viral fever.

What Is Viral Fever?
A large range of viral infections has been named viral fever. Increasing body temperature is the main feature of this viral fever. Viral fever is quite common in children and aged people because their immune system is weak. Viral fever is usually caused by airborne viral infections, although it can also be due to waterborne infection.
Viral fever causes anxiety in very few cases and in most cases it is cured without any special treatment. However, it is not so easy to clarify the difference between viral fever and bacterial infection, because many of these symptoms of viral fever are similar. So if your body temperature is above 102° Fahrenheit or fever is not cured even after 48 hours then it is necessary to consult the doctor immediately.
Those who suffer from this infection, they have problems in the body, skin rashes and headaches. However, medicines are also available to treat viral fever, in some cases, home remedies also help you to deal with such a condition.
Normal fever drugs can cure viral fever for some time only, as soon as the effect of medicines ends, the viral fever is regenerated.
When Does The Risk Of Viral Fever Increase?
- The immune system of infants, children and old people is weak, so they are more likely to have viral fever.
- When you are close to an infected person
- Living in an area where the viral fever virus often spreads the infection.
- When you are working with an infected person
- Traveling in an area where special viral fever is prevalent.
- If you make unprotected love with the infected person
- Living close to infected animals or working in such area.
- If you share needle that was used for injection
- Living in a building where the rat is more
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What Are The Causes Of Viral Fever?
Some types of viral fever virus also move inside the human body by breathing around the stool or urine of the infected person.
Viral fever spreads easily from one person to another. The second person may also be infected with viral fever when exposed to fluid substances (such as sputum, urine, blood etc.) from the body of the infected person.
When the infected person sneezes, coughs, and even speaks, then the thin drops of fluid from his body are found in the air and if you are around then the drops go into your body by breathing.
Once the virus goes into your body, it takes up to 16 to 24 hours to spread the whole body and create acute infection with fever.
There are some severe types of viral fever viruses that cause hemorrhaging (excessive bleeding). These types of viruses spread through mosquito bites or by some insect, or they spread even after contact with an infected person’s semen or blood.
In some cases, Viral Fever shows its horror after being fully developed in the body after about 21 days of coming into contact of an infected person. Before that, the symptoms of viral fever are not so much noticeable.

How To Prevent Viral Fever?
Anti-viral drugs can’t destroy the infectious viruses; they can only stop their development. This is the reason that when it comes to viral fever, you need to be very careful.
These steps are as follows: –
- Clothes or shoes that are wet or moist, they should be kept away from dry clothes and shoes
- Avoid going to the crowded areas
- Wash your hands before eating
- Avoid soaking in the rain
- Avoid eating outside food as much as possible
- Always drink either purifier’s water or boiled clean water
- Change your towel every day
- Do not touch your mouth or nose without washing your hands well
- If you are already infected then try to cover your mouth and nose with a clean piece of cloth so that others do not get affected from your germs.
It is essential to take care of personal hygiene to prevent harmful infections such as viral fever. Here are some simple steps you can take to overcome these diseases.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Viral Fever?
The symptoms of viral fever are as follows:
- Nose bleeding, eyes being red, difficulty in swallowing food, etc. are some symptoms of viral fever. Normal fever drugs do not cure viral fever.
- Viral fever is irregular and is experienced at regular intervals. For instance, most people have a viral fever during a particular time may be in the afternoon or some have it in the evening.
- Fever which that lasts longer than a normal fever is a viral fever.
- Even during high heat and humid environments, the infected person may feel cold.

Symptoms Of Viral Fever May Also Include:
- Feeling coughing in the chest
- Fatigue
- Throat pain
- Dizziness
- Cough skin rashes
- Irritation of eyes
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Headaches
- Weakness
- Pain in the tonsils
- Muscle aches, pain in the body and joints
- Swelling and burning in pharynx
If the body temperature reaches 104° Fahrenheit in viral fever or if the fever continues for 4 or more days then you must consult a doctor as soon as possible.