Hair Transplant Side Effects You Should Know
A hair transplant is a type of surgery in which a dermatological surgeon moves hair to a bald or thin hair area of the head. The surgeon usually moves hair from the back or side of the head to the front of the head. Hair transplants occur in a medical office under anesthesia. Doctors of U.S. have been doing these transplants since the 1950s, but in recent years techniques changed a lot. There are two types of hair transplant procedures, slit grafts and micrografts. Depending on how much area you want to transplant, the process takes about 4 to 8 hours. Most people see 60% of new hair growth after 6 to 9 months from the procedure. Everything comes with a side effect, hair transplant side effects are one of those.
If you are considering a hair transplant to remove unwanted hair, there are some important things that you should know about the potential side effects. There are many different types of hair transplants that can be done and there are some very serious risks involved with the surgery. If you have not been given any information about the side effects you should seek out medical advice from your doctor. Here is what you should know about possible side effects.
The risks associated with a transplant can range from infection to death. You should always be aware of what the risks are associated with the surgery before having it done. Some of the complications associated with a transplant include infections and loss of blood. In the case of infection, you will be able to detect signs of infection and will be able to determine if you need to have another procedure. If you have a successful transplant and the patient gets to experience side effects of infection, then the risk may be enough to move onto another procedure. If you experience side effects from a transplant then you should consult your doctor immediately.
Another one of the side effects that you might notice is loss of blood. A transplant can cause a loss of blood, which means that you might see a decline in your hair growth. When the transplant takes place, there are plenty of blood vessels in the scalp that are used. If you stop taking blood thinners or you stop taking any type of medication then you may start to experience an increase in bleeding. If you lose a lot of blood then this may be a sign that you have a blood clot and you should seek medical advice from your doctor.
The technique is a permanent treatment for hair loss. It produces a natural dense on the forehead and on the top of the head, but there are a number of things people should know before going for a hair transplant. Hair transplant includes the risk of bleeding and infection. There’s also a chance of unnatural-looking hair growth. So before making a decision, you need to know about the hair transplant side effects. Here are some possible hair transplant side effects that might help you to take a decision about doing a hair transplant.
Hair Transplant Side Effects:
Bleeding :
A side effect of hair transplant surgery may include some bleeding as you are getting a follicular unit transplant or follicular unit extraction. Experienced doctors will ensure that the blood loss is minimized to the minimum possible still there might be some ooze but putting pressure on the area with gauze piece will usually stop the bleeding. So it’s important to inform the surgeon whether you’re taking any blood-thinning medicines to avoid any bleeding related issues in the future.
Itching is a common side effect patients experience after getting a hair transplant. This side effect sometimes becomes severe when it is not appropriately treated. This will not last more than a few days. Itching occurs due to the formation of scabs in the scalp. It can be calmed with regular shampooing.
Pain is the common hair transplant side-effects of this procedure. The pain is endurable in most cases when the patients do this without any form of medication to soothe it. The pain is temporary and eventually gone once your scalp starts to heal.
Another common hair transplant side effects of surgery is numbness. Patients typically report that they feel numbness for several weeks after the surgery. But this is temporary. If it does not go away after 18 weeks, consult a doctor.
Infection from a hair transplant is a possible side effect. From a hair transplant, serious infections can occur. Usually, the doctor prescribes antibiotics before the surgery takes place to prevent an infection.
Cysts happen when there are buried grafts that are not taken out properly. Most of the times, cysts appear in the form of a cluster of pimples, they usually disappear by themselves. If the cysts do not go away by themselves after a few weeks you should seek medical help without delay.