Know The Early Signs Of Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Signs Of Pregnancy


Missing out of menstruation is certainly the most obvious sign of pregnancy, but it is not the only sign. An egg is implanted in the uterine wall after fertilization before you have no menstruation. The moment a transplant takes place, you become pregnant. When you cross a few days or weeks of pregnancy, the body definitely starts indicating pregnancy before the date of menstruation. Symptoms of conception usually begin to appear during the first week of conception. However, the attention of excited and anxious hopeful mothers does not go to those signs. So, let’s know the early signs of pregnancy symptoms…



Early Signs Of Pregnancy Symptoms:

The most accurate way to know if you are pregnant is, of course, a pregnancy test. But showing some common symptoms before menstruation can be the first sign of pregnancy. Here is a list of some early signs of pregnancy that will help you understand whether you are pregnant or not and can get rid of the stressful wait till the test.


You feel tired all the time due to changes in hormones. Tiredness and sleepiness are the initial signs of getting pregnant, feeling tired after doing minor tasks are extremely common. Increased levels of progesterone can be blamed for the tendency to sleep more and continue throughout the first quarter. The body begins to produce more blood to support the growing fetus resulting in increased tiredness. This can be corrected by eating a healthy diet rich in minerals, vitamins, iron and plenty of fluids.

Craving, And Irritation Or Sensitivity To Smell:

Pregnancy hormones play a major role in revealing the cravings for your favorite food and can also cause irritation from certain smells. Sudden increased sensitivity to smell, craving for a tasty taste, and irritation with certain foods – may occur during the early weeks after conception and may or may not persist throughout pregnancy. In some pregnant women, the problem of loss of appetite starts before menstruation.

A Feeling Of Swelling And Tightness:

One of the most common signs of pregnancy before the menstruation is abdominal bloating and twitching and scratching, which can be the result of increased progesterone. Increased levels of hormones impede digestion and for this reason, gas is trapped in the intestines. Due to swelling in the abdomen, clothes can tighten at the waist and result in discomfort. Problems of foot and belching can also arise due to flatulence. Having a healthy and controlled diet can help eliminate this kind of trouble.

Need To Urinate Frequently:

Feeling the need to urinate frequently is another major sign. This tendency increases during pregnancy when the growing uterus begins to pressurize the bladder. Frequent urination is a common symptom that will persist throughout pregnancy, with changes in hormones and excess blood production. The kidneys work longer to filter blood, causing the need to urinate frequently. Almost all pregnant women experience this symptom which is one of the early signs of pregnancy, it starts when you are close to your menstrual date.

Sudden Change In Mood:

The change in the hormone makes you either happy or very sad. Another early sign of not having menstruation is a change in mood, it begins to change mysteriously, and you can start crying over the most trivial of trivial issues. Imbalance in hormones affects neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to periods of anger ranging from sudden emotional impulses. If you don’t feel normal, take a little time to rest.


A feeling of dizziness and fainting is an early symptom of pregnancy that occurs in many pregnant women. The blood vessels widen, causing a decrease in blood pressure and feeling dizzy and imbalanced. The symptom appears during the first trimester and gradually subsides in the following months. But if you experience vaginal bleeding with dizziness and abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor immediately.


Progesterone hormone causes intestinal constriction and during this time, if you have trouble with defecation, it can be an early sign of pregnancy. Due to the sudden increase of the hormone, the excretion hardens and the speed of food crossing the digestive system decreases. If you feel constipated for up to a week after your menstruation, then you should consider taking a pregnancy test.


Headaches are the most common premenstrual symptom, although at conception, estrogen and progesterone hormones do additional work to prepare the uterus for the baby. Hormones cause a drop in blood sugar levels leading to headaches as brain cells struggle to keep pace with low sugar levels.

Aches And Pains:

Hormones work to make room for a new organism in you and this affects the ligaments that need to be enlarged. Stretching of the ligaments and joints can cause pain in your spinal region before the scheduled time of menstruation.

Strange Taste In Mouth:

You may feel a strange taste in your mouth due to strange activities in hormones. You will feel as if you have eaten some tasteless metal. This metallic taste can be an early sign to tell you that you have begun the journey to motherhood. Symptoms usually end after the first trimester but may persist longer in some women.

Excessive Thirst Or Frequent Tendency To Eat:

Do not be surprised if you start drinking a lot of water, due to the increase in blood volume, you may feel extremely thirsty even before the date of non-menstruation. Due to the increase in hormones, you will feel hungry all the time and you will have the desire to eat food again and again.

Changes In The Cervical Mucus:

An increase in cervical mucus is an early sign of pregnancy. After conception, the cervical mucus appears as thick and creamy and remains the same until the menstrual period is not fixed. You may feel a prick during urination or itching and swelling around your vagina.


Breathing may be another early sign of pregnancy because the body requires more oxygen and blood when breathing for two organisms. The need for more oxygen and nutrition with the growing child remains throughout the quarter.

Dripping Saliva Or Becoming Excessive Sputum:

Although it is not a common symptom, some women produce excessive saliva before menstruation. This condition is commonly known as Tillis gravid arum which is related to morning sickness and chest irritation. Excess saliva is produced in the mouth due to the feeling of nausea.


Nausea or vomiting is a minor symptom, often called “morning sickness”. This symptom is prominent and may indicate that you are pregnant. Within a few days of conception, you may begin to feel restless and experience nausea. Due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels, you may feel nauseous as soon as you wake up every day. Nausea is not always in the morning, it can happen anytime and can last for the whole day and this problem can continue during the entire period of pregnancy. About 80% of pregnant women have nausea in the initial weeks before they do not have menstruation. The intensity of symptoms of morning sickness or nausea varies in different women, but 50% of pregnant women feel nausea within six weeks of pregnancy or even earlier.

Spots, Pimples, And Pimples:

Acne and pimples are sometimes common before the scheduled time of menstruation. As a result of increasing levels of hormones after conception, they can suddenly increase very much. Well, the reverse can also happen, pimples may be completely clean before the scheduled time of menstruation and it can be a sign that pregnancy has begun.

Sore, Sensitive And Heavy Breasts:

Painful, sensitive and heavy breasts or darkening of the color around the nipple are symptoms of pregnancy seen a week before the menstruation. With estrogen levels rising after conception, women feel heavily afflicted and full and have severe breast pain. Nipples begin to look darker and they also feel itching, tension or pricking. Although these symptoms are not very different from the signs of the condition of the nipple before menstruation, even after your menstruation, these symptoms persist.

Weird Dreams:

Strange dreams are common in the early weeks of pregnancy. It is a symptom of a strange pregnancy where many women experience strange feelings after one or two weeks of conception. Pregnancy hormones act in a bizarre manner, causing unnecessary dreams and delusions to a pregnant woman.

Transplantation, Bleeding, And Cramps:

Cramps, mild bleeding during menstruation, and spotting commonly referred to as implant bleeding are early and obvious signs of pregnancy. The fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall resulting in implantation. If your menstrual cycle is regular, there may be signs of transplant hemorrhage about a week before the date of the non-menstrual period, this may be for a few hours or even a few days. It can appear as a light scar on the undergarment or mild bleeding while wiping the vagina. But note that there is not much bleeding because it can happen due to miscarriage or it can be due to menstruation.

Increased Basic Body Temperature:

Often, basic body temperature should be checked for months to detect more precise, noticeable changes than other symptoms. Before ovulation, body temperature rises and returns to normal after your menstruation. But during pregnancy, the basic body temperature rises continuously and upon implantation, the body prepares itself to adjust to a new life, resulting in an increased temperature. The immune system prepares itself for pregnancy. If your body temperature is rising even after the ovulation has crossed more than 20 days, then it is a sign of the beginning of a new journey.

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