Thyroid Disease | Causes | Symptoms And Treatment

Thyroid Disease 2

Types Of Thyroid Disease:

Thyroid disease refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient amounts of hormones. There are mainly 4 types of thyroid disease, which are as follows…

Hypothyroidism Thyroid:

This is the major cause of thyroid, which is caused by the lack of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism thyroid is mainly seen in young children, which is possible through medication.

Hyperthyroidism Thyroid:

This is the other thyroid, which is caused by the formation of extra tissue in the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is an excess of hormones in the thyroid.

Goiter Thyroid:

This is commonly known as goiter disease, which is mainly due to iodine deficiency in the body. Iodine medicine is given by the doctor to the person suffering from goiter, due to which the amount of iodine is normalized.

Thyroid Cancer:

This is the most severe and final type of thyroid, which is only possible through surgery. Thyroid cancer is the condition when the thyroid gland becomes a lump.

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