40+ Technically True Things That We Can’t Argue With
Surfing through social media platforms, it’s common to see many funny but true posts. They are hilarious and at the same time so logical, hard to fault and apt. Sometimes we may have read some gems and later wished it has been saved. Here is a compilation of funny tweets and texts that are also true, posted by many users on social media. Sit back and enjoy.
The Best Last Name So Apt
Ever overheard people talking about the custom of a woman taking a man’s last name? A social media user asked for a reason why some women decided against taking up their husband’s last name.

The Best Last Name So Apt
Then a user by the name of Emily Best replied saying “because my last name is best” well at first glance the point of a funny reply may not be obvious. However, check her name again – her last name is Best. So, she’s saying she can’t take up a man’s last name because hers is “Best” – literally.
The Smartest Teacher
This funny tweet is about a gym teacher who asked the students who they thought was the smartest of all the teachers. As expected, the student mentioned various teachers the chemistry teacher, some chose the Physics teacher.

The Smartest Teacher
Little did they know the gym teacher wasn’t talking about intelligence. He said he’s the smartest because he is paid the same as all teachers and only plays dodge ball all day – having fun and making money! No lies he isn’t doing too much yet paid as much as those who are working a lot harder.
The Angry IT Guy
A social media user shared his experience with an IT guy. He went to fix his laptop and pissed the computer guy. The guy promises to give a black-eye. Good thing it wasn’t a literal black eye but there was still a black “I.”

The Angry IT Guy
The laptop came back with all the keys looking plain white except for the letter “I” – it has been changed to a black key. Take care not offend a computer guy – a piece of friendly advice, else one might get more than a black eye.
He Defied Logic
The post was stating a seemingly true logic about the two incomplete days in the life of every human. That is, the day someone is given birth to, and the day they kick the bucket. To prove this logic wrong, someone commented he was born at exactly 12 am.

He Defied Logic
That way, he used the 24 hours on the day of his birth. Now to ensure he proves the assertion wrong completely, he will end his life at exactly midnight – this way he would have used 24 hours completely before breathing his last.
A Fair Excuse
Talking about successful people, their success stories always seem to have a mention of starting in the garage.

A Fair Excuse
So, a user took time to create a split image of the garages where big businesses like Google, Apple, Disney, and Amazon started – then added the caption “what’s your excuse?” Without typing a length page or essay on what’s his excuse, a user simply replied “I don’t have a garage.” A fair excuse really.
Hilarious but No Lies
Sometimes people don’t hit the nail on the head, making it difficult to know exactly what they mean sometimes. In a chat, an individual was telling someone not to wait anymore (probably going somewhere together).

Hilarious but No Lies
When asked why the reason given was that the cousin is a hospital- he couldn’t talk or walk. Shocked as anyone would be, the individual asked what happened, only see this hilarious but pissing reply “nothing serious, he born 2 hours ago.” Of course, no one expects a newborn to speak or walk, but it sounded more like it happened to an adult.
The Unknown Reality
Imagine sitting in a restaurant and taking “just” a bottle of coke. Then some seats away, someone is with a plate of six donuts. It’s only natural to look at such an individual and feel “this is too much sugar.”

The Unknown Reality
Wait, look at the picture below. This chart shows just how many donuts equals each bottle of drink. Now, taking a bottle of coke doesn’t seem safe anymore again. The sugar content of just a bottle of coke equals that of six donuts.
Make it Sound Impressive
Ever done something so impressive and wondering how to mention it in a resume without sounding ordinary. According to this tweet, a user was asking how to describe how he changed a light bulb successfully in a resume.

Make it Sound Impressive
Whether it was a joke or not, someone replied “single-handedly managed the successful upgrade and deployment of a new environmental illumination system with zero cost overruns and zero safety incident” – well-written right? It’s simply an impressive use of words to make the ordinary sound extraordinary.
The Secret Behind the Pyramids
A picture on the internet shows the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, and Indonesia. These pyramids were then related to the continent where each is located. The picture seems to carry a special meaning and indicating a special connection between the pyramids and the map of the continents.

The Secret Behind the Pyramids
The comments beneath shows some were confused and hoping there is a special meaning to the pyramids and drawings. However, the last reply was hilarious and has a good point – simply means arranging rocks in the pyramid style is the best way to build with longevity.
What a Fatherly Reply
So, a father at the nursery who just welcomed a son was approached another who welcomed a daughter a day before. Then he joked about his daughter marrying the newly born boy later in life.

What a Fatherly Reply
In the post the father of the boy said “like my son is going marry twice his age” – this is funny considering how he calculated the second day as twice the age of the little girl. When literally it’s just a day difference. A wrong statement and line of reason but hilarious and feels like he is correct.
Concrete Evidence
So, an angry husband whose wife changed her surname did something absurd and it made the news. What the wife did hurt him, and in retaliation, he got a huge volume of concrete and filled the wife’s car with it.

Concrete Evidence
Replying to the news, a user commented “I hope she takes him to court, she has concrete evidence,” the pun is obvious and apt. Of course, the court needs good/concrete evidence to make the case, and coincidentally the husband filled the car with concrete.
A Funny Question and a Good Answer
A conversation between a husband and wife shows the wife asking the husband why he’s making pancakes though they just ate. He said it’s for the dog.

A Funny Question and a Good Answer
Instead of stopping there, she goes ahead to ask why he’s making it for the dogs (oh my). Because “they don’t know how” he responds – but isn’t that obvious? Obviously, dogs can’t make their pancakes. Asking the husband again was needless.
Accurate Advert Criticism
When a car advert comes on the TV, it usually centers around how fast the car can accelerate from 0-100 – an impressive show-off that gears many to make a purchase. Some even show how the car can move through rough terrain.

Accurate Advert Criticism
However, according to a post online, the user says the car manufacturers fail to advertise how fast the car goes from 100 – 0 which is even more important). This is so true and accurate, reducing speed is equally important or even more important than acceleration. Car manufacturers need to see this.
Don’t Trust Company Names
Imagine hearing about Fox news for the first time, what comes to mind is that the media house reports on animal or Foxes in particular. However, this far from it. The same way the Apple company doesn’t produce anything related to fruits, Fox News is guilty of the same.

Don’t Trust Company Names
It is focused solely on political and related news and nothing related or animal documentary. It’s just a company name – nothing special or relating to animals. This comment is true and accurate.
Pest Control
In this post, the handler mentioned the apartment’s pest control guy always refers to his cat as a “fellow industry professional.” It may sound funny and but it’s definitely true. Rats are commonly known as pests (which no one wants around).

Pest Control
One of the tasks of the pest control personnel is ensuring rats alongside other types of pests are completely eradicated from residences. And cats do an excellent and overzealous job of terrifying rats and eradicating them. So, the pest control guy was simply stating the fact.
Funny but True
There are situations where some certain things have a different meaning. For example, an online post asked “What’s considered trashy if you are poor, but classy if you are rich?” One accurate reply from another user answers “getting money from government agencies.”

Funny but True
This is so true poor people getting money from the government have so many funny names to qualify them and generally, it is often viewed as help for the underprivileged, support for the poor, and more. However, for a rich person, it’s either subsidy or any other fancy name.
Tasty and Yummy Humans
A picture surfaced online explaining things on the flip side. While usually believe we consuming plants and benefiting from them immensely. From the plant’s point of view, we are actually the prey, and they find us tasty.

Tasty and Yummy Humans
According to the post, the plant is farming us and giving us support to feed on us later. The plants give us constant oxygen and food till we die, decompose, and the plant then consumes us. Talk about ulterior motives and plants are number one on the list.
The Millennials Are Busy
A tweet asked why millennials aren’t purchasing diamonds. A reply below answered, “they are busy.” They are busy applying for jobs, filling out job applications in a tedious way – filling what’s already on their resume on another page.

The Millennials Are Busy
The comments show the hard work millennials are going through to make ends meet making it difficult to focus on acquiring classical luxuries. Besides some even feel diamond is not rare or inherently valuable. This is a typical example of internet comments that are simply correct and accurate.
What a Price
So, a post announced Google’s purchase of Fitbit. Of course, Google purchased the company totally. The cost was 2.1 billion dollars. To make light of the matter, someone commented, saying Google had a bad deal and he that purchased Fitbit for just $69.95. The joke merely refers to the subscription fee of the service.

What a Price
Yet the user made it sound like he bought the entire company when it’s just the service. For someone who doesn’t understand, it’s easy to feel Google has overpaid the company billions when they should be paid a fee below $100.
Misinterpreting Amazon
So, the user purchased a watch on Amazon and feels betrayed and deceived by the product description. The product description says “you can swim with it.” So, the individual purchases the watch and is expected to swim with it without having to learn how to swim or exerting force.

Misinterpreting Amazon
However, he was disappointed as the watch couldn’t do that. He realized one needs to know how to swim before using the watch, and all that it does is to work underwater (waterproof).
Emergency or Not
The post explains how someone passed away on a flight. Due to this, an emergency landing sufficed, and they had to drop the body. This caused lateness, making most onboard to miss their connections.

Emergency or Not
Agitated, someone in the plane started to complain about how someone who has passed is still an emergency. That seemed awkward and feels like a wrong thing to say. Regardless, he has valid point only that the moment may not have been the best time to say that.
The Traveling Pizzaman
A mother who happened to be with her son at a restaurant caught him playing smart with a lady. He approached a lady as they got talking, he mentioned “he travels for work.” The mother was dumbstruck knowing his son is a pizza delivery guy.

The Traveling Pizzaman
Well, the mother shouldn’t feel so concerned since he isn’t lying after all. A delivery man has to travel around town to make deliveries– so no lies. However, there is a high chance the girl would be disappointed when she realizes Mr. Traveler does a merry-go-round the city delivering Pizza.
It Came from Space
A post on the page says “In 1977 we received a radio signal from space that lasted 72 seconds, and to this day, we still don’t know where it came from.” Apparently, since space is wide, the post met the particular part where it came from is unknown.

It Came from Space
However, smart minds started to comment and one reads “Yes we do, it came from space.” To be candid and looking at it from another angle, the comment is right – the signal came from space if the specifics are left out.
Chicken Has No Money
The picture below shows a mother hen and the chicks in the rain. The rain, drenching and heavy, had the chicks hiding beneath the wings of their mother. A comment attached to the picture reads “chicken can’t afford an umbrella, so she hid her chicks under her wings out of the rain.”

Chicken Has No Money
A touching comment with a touching picture. But of course, if the hen could afford an umbrella, she definitely won’t know how to use it. the mother hen did a fantastic and motherly job.
I Just Threw Up
A caption of an image reads “I’m not feeling too well, I just threw up” before seeing the image, one would assume it’s actual vomit.

I Just Threw Up
However, as the picture shows, something else transpired. So, the individual actually threw a disc of the Disney movie Up in the toilet – a good way of saying she threw “up,” not vomit. A nice joke, she probably should “flush away.” Funny post.
Coconuts Are Mammals
One of the fundamental things most learned while growing up is the characteristics of a mammal. The common ones are the presence of hair, and that they produce milk. A tweet online reads “wouldn’t coconut be considered as mammals because they have hair and produce milk?” Correct right?

Coconuts Are Mammals
The outer part of the coconut is quite hairy, and when crushed, it also produces milky liquids. So, what’s else? Coconut probably needs to be inducted as the latest mammal. A funny tweet but also logical.
The Bad Drivers
At a point in time, one would have been in a car with a friend who drives badly. But of course, many bad drivers do not know they actually suck at driving – perhaps because most people never say it to their face.

The Bad Drivers
The hilarious post below is a user describing the funny expression one gives when a friend who drives badly swerves badly and says “sorry my bad.” Then that expression comes – like “you always do, so why apologize?”
iPhone Notification
Ever plugged an iPhone into a laptop and it says “do you trust this computer?” Well, the picture in the tweet could have been the exact way the phone would have reacted if it could show a facial expression.

iPhone Notification
As much as many find the question annoying, it’s actually a safety measure, but people who hate it have a point – they may plug it involuntarily, and again many a time the user of the iPhone owns the laptop. So, it’s more low asking “do you trust your computer? – of course, I do.
Everything Is a Bug
Generally, it’s not just this individual. Many people like the user with the post below are used to referring to all types of insects as bugs. The only exception could be cockroaches – it seems many can easily recognize cockroaches.

Everything Is a Bug
But as for other types of insects, on impulse, many just call anything they can’t name bug. If only bugs knew they are now so popular and charged for crimes they’ve never even committed. Why not take time to learn the name of some common insects.
Unexpected Present
Talking about adulthood, many have described it as an unexpected present. The post says it like being given a wrapped present, only to unwrap it and see an unexpected gift. Of course, many can relate to opening a present, expecting to meet something, only see a gift below expectation.

Unexpected Present
For many, adulthoods are like that – they expect to grow and enjoy the fun-filled and sweet life of being an adult. However, once they grow to adulthood, they realize the truth in the adage “life is not a bed.”
Tattoos Are Not a Set of Plates
It is common for older folks to complain about several things young ones do. One such is getting tattoos. Many times, some will claim it’s just a waste of money.

Tattoos Are Not a Set of Plates
In this tweet, the user complained that many old people complain that tattoos are a waste of money, yet they have cabinets full of expensive plates that are just stored and unused. So, the question is, who exactly is wasting money. Maybe everyone should waste their money peacefully – no complaints, no criticism.
The Record Holder
The man in the pictures below is trying to get into the business book of record as the oldest man – funny right?

The Record Holder
Especially since he’s quite young. However, he feels he has better chances of reaching the goal as the years go by. Now that he’s 36 years old, he has gone up 3 billion places considering when he was at zero on the day of birth. It’s still a long way but of course, he has a better chance since he’s mostly older than 3 billion people across the earth who are younger than 36.
Don’t Laugh at a Kid’s Joke
There is something about kids – when they do a certain thing, you smile or assign approval, and they will keep repeating it. The funny but true tweet below reads “if you laugh at a kid joke, that kid will tell you that same joke at a slightly louder volume 8000 times in a row.”

Don’t Laugh at a Kid’s Joke
This is a warning to keep in mind, just after listening to the joke. Don’t laugh too much and automatically start a job as a professional laugher (if there is anything like that).
The Truth About Treadmills
Early morning exercise can be fun as the start, and if it’s on a treadmill, then that’s double the fun. As time goes on, the rush of daily activities may start to make the sessions boring. Now, one will step on the treadmill and after running for sometimes will start to pray the time runs by fast.

The Truth About Treadmills
The reality is exactly what the tweet in the picture says. Running for some time on the treadmill and starting to feel it’s been half an hour only to realize it’s just 4 minutes – nothing could be more disappointing.
Literally Not His President
In an online post, a user posted “He’s a president, like him or not.” The user apparently talking about the incumbent American President was confronted by someone who wrote, “not my president.”

Literally Not His President
Then another reply replies to the hashtag saying “He is.” Unknown to him the man wasn’t being sarcastic he wasn’t a United States citizen. He replied “No, he isn’t my president, I’m a Norwegian.” True, a Norwegian is clearly different from an American, he knew what he was saying. Funny but factual.
Google Assistant Got it Wrong
One of the funny things people do when bored is picking their devices and asking Google assistant or Alexa silly questions. From the picture below, someone was doing just that– asking how many seconds are there in a year.

Google Assistant Got it Wrong
Perhaps Google couldn’t calculate that (very unlikely) or misunderstood the question (a plausible excuse). Google went ahead to list all the 2nd day of each month – January 2nd, February 2nd till December 2nd. However, what the individual meant was seconds (before a minute) – the assistant got it wrong.
At times people do things that are kind of silly and say something like “I hope no one saw me do that.” One would think they do not want people to know them but then…

Next thing, they’ll pick their phone and be the ones to text friends exactly what they said no one should see them doing. Funny but true – it’s simply called betraying oneself.
I’m Downey With This T-Shirt
There is no dining that Robert Downey Jr. is one of the biggest properties in Hollywood over the last decade. With his iconic role as Tony Stark aka Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this performance catapulted him into superstardom.

I’m Downey With This T-Shirt
And yet, this hasn’t stopped Downey Jr. from embracing his funny side on social media. He posted the following photo on social media and someone had the audacity to write the comment below!
The Cat and Jaguar
A YouTube channel posted a video to train pet lovers how to carry a cat like a Pro, and how to generally handle the cat in the best way possible.

The Cat and Jaguar
The real fun happened in the comment section when someone asked if the carrying technique is also applicable for Jaguars. The reply was “yes but only once.” This is so true and funny. The reply was simply explaining how impossible that will be since a jaguar is a wild animal – but it still can be tried so far, the individual is ready to do it just once.
Reasonable and Apt
The pictures draw a comparison between an excessively overweight person and one who drinks excessively. The picture explains the danger of telling a dangerously overweight person they look beautiful when in the real sense it is dangerous to their health.

Reasonable and Apt
The same as encouraging an excessive drinker to keep it up could be harmful to their health. So, in simple terms, sometimes it can be beneficial to offer helpful advice instead of giving compliments when in an actual sense some things need to be addressed.
That’s a Dark Joke
The picture is a dark joke between two women. The first shows a woman speaking about what took her mother because she passed – being a substance dealer. The reply from the next part of the picture has a caption that reads “but your mother exterminated herself.”

That’s a Dark Joke
Then the final reply admitted, “she was a substance dealer.” She was trying to separate her mother from the substance side. Even though the mother was the substance dealer, she saw her as a mother – in a different light from her actions.
Seems Right
So, this post online logically argued how same-sex intercourse isn’t a sin. The user said since sleeping between a man and woman is the only thing that means, you know, the “s” word. Then the same thing between two men or women doesn’t qualify and not a sin then.

Seems Right
The argument is simple and seemed logical. Even though critics with Biblical knowledge may have different opinions, and scriptural backing to the comment later, she already made her point and sounds convincing.
A common question people ask is “how does it feel to have that, how does it to have this?” The common reply also is “it’s hard at times,” “it can be difficult sometimes,” and so on.

In this scenario, someone asked what it felt like to have a male reproductive organ. Someone gave the generic reply “it’s hard sometimes” – true isn’t it? Yes, it’s the generic answer to questions but very much correct in this case.
Fertility Is Hereditary
Hilarious supposed scientific research says “fertility is hereditary, and If your parents didn’t have any children, chances are you won’t either.” Read that again, sounds confusing right? Sounds like a fact yet true.

Fertility Is Hereditary
At first, it seems just like a joke because for someone to have been given birth to, automatically the parents are fertile. But one could argue about an adopted child who could have parents that infertile. Don’t feel like you are right – it’s still not possible because the adopted child inherited nothing from the adopted parents.