Check out – Secret of Indian Fashion and Beauty Stars on YouTube

Stars On Youtuber
Stars On Youtuber :- The video of a beauty star on YouTube would generally begin with an energetic formal greeting (especially ‘HELLO GUYS!” or “HELLO PEOPLE!”).
Recently, the secret of India’s fashion and beauty stars on YouTube has gained popularity. These stars are sharing their beauty secrets to the rest of the world. You can get to see their beauty secrets and their lifestyle. It is like an addiction to most of these stars. With YouTube being the number one online video sharing site, these channels are being watched by thousands of viewers each day.
Most of these channels are all about their ability to give you an incredible look at what they are wearing, how they are dressing, how they are styling their hair and how they are highlighting certain parts of their body. They are sharing with us the knowledge they have of fashion and beauty. This is why so many people are following them around and wanting to know more. If you too want to check out these channels, you can do so easily by going to YouTube and going to search mode. From there you can just type in the keywords and give them a search.
There are many things to learn about these channels; for example, India gives so much love to men. It doesn’t matter if it is leather, colors, patterns or tattoos. Women in India are always wearing their favorite male clothing. There are a lot of fashion and beauty secret channel on YouTube that are dedicated to men. These channels are dedicated to the different styles that they are wearing. You can see the different styles that they wear like the Indian Pants, T-shirts, Capri pants, shirts, pants and belts. These channels can help you get to know more about different kinds of clothes that are in vogue and their inspirations for each.
Then the background changes, from the living room to bedroom, sometimes giving a full detour of the house. Along with that the subject also changes from beauty, fashion to philosophies of life.
But one thing always remains the same. It is that the entire video is being done by a single person− from writing the scripts, shooting the video to the editing part.
Nowadays on YouTube, the channels related to beauty and fashion are trending the most. At the third annual fan fest in Mumbai, the Entertainment Head of YouTube India, Satya Raghavan, said that the watch rate of beauty and fashion videos has increased by 138%.
When it is compared to other types of videos, it can be seen that videos of independent musicians has risen by 92% while videos featuring comedy and entertainment has risen by 100%.
This is the reason that four beauty and fashion channels on YouTube which are from India have a total of over 100 million views.
Shruti Arjun Anand was getting bored waiting to get the US work visa in 2011 when she decided to make videos. In 2013 she moved to Noida to become a full-time Stars On Youtuber.
Scherzade Shroff began her first channel ‘Sherry Shroff’ as a creative outlet. Now she successfully runs three channels on YouTube.
Komal Narang’s parents got divorced and she chose the medium of YouTube to share her loneliness through her channel ‘My Happinesz’.
Debasree Banerjee wanted to become a star on YouTube from 2009 when she first learnt about the medium. In 2013, she quit her job and start working on her YouTube channel.
The next door YouTuber
The content of the videos of these beauty Stars On Youtuber are usually found in lifestyle sections of newspaper and magazine. YouTube videos have an advantage over print medium because when it comes to makeup video, there is a friendly relatable face and every step is being broken down into segments.
Moreover, the video is made from the experience of the content creator which makes it more realistic and relatable.
While most of the Stars On Youtuber started with a bad sound, grainy footage and with a poor technical skill; they eventually managed to work on their shortcomings.
Now they have more than one channel. While the main channel is focussed on make-up and fashion, the partner channel deals with the creators’ daily lives or vlogs.
Some of the most popular videos are the one where they show how to mimic a particular celebrity’s look. Moreover, the Question and Answer video, normally offered after reaching a certain number of subscriber base, is also famous.
Getting noticed
Shroff’s first video was a collaboration with the brand Maybelline and by the fifth video, she was interviewing the Bollywood actor Imran Khan.
But it was not the videos with actors that made her famous. The most viewed videos of Shroff are the collaborations with fellow YouTube stars like American fashion blogger Bethany Mota and Indian comedian Kanan Gill.
Shroff was a former model. So getting brand partnerships and views for her earlier videos was never a struggle as she already knew lot of people and had an audience.
On the other hand, Narang did not have a large community of friends and she said that her personalized content did the trick.
Her first video to reach 2000 views was named ‘Up Close & Personal’ where she spoke to a dermatologist recommended cream which burnt her face few days before her engagement.
The million views club
Except Anand, who has 3.9 lakh subscribers, all the other three almost began at the same time. While Shroff has 1.10 lakh subscribers, Narang has 57,000 and banerjee has 56,000 subscribers.
According to Banerjee, it is never the subscriber base but the passion, devotion, and consistency of the creator that makes the channel successful.
Nowadays many brands have realized that social media promotion through the hands of a blogger is an important marketing strategy as they can hit the right target audience unlike the traditional advertisements on TV.
Queens of the screen
Nowadays more and more Indians are turning to YouTube and choosing it as their career option. According to these four stars on YouTube, creating a career out of YouTube has now become easier.
There is a creator space at Whistling Woods (a film school in Mumbai). Moreover, YouTube India organises meeting to guide new people and tell them how to optimise videos and get more viewers easily.
These stars on YouTube have become so famous that even if they do not upload for a single week, their viewers would start writing to them. Sometimes they have to go through sleepless nights and even work on holidays to publish their content on time.
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