Uses Of Computer In Our Daily Life

uses of computer


This world belongs to the computer, where all the work is done by a computer. Sometimes I feel, what would have happened if Charles Babbage, the father of the computer did not invent the computer. There is no field left in the present day where you won’t find uses of computer. More or less every individual uses mobile even that is kind of a computer.

There are many areas where these computers are very useful. Uses of Computer are in the field such as Health, Government, Marketing, Engineering, College, Entertainment, Software Company and Scientific Research, etc. So let us now know in detail about the increasing uses of computers

Uses Of Computers:

In today’s era, almost all people are familiar with computers and the uses of computers. Now almost all the people have a computer in their house. Computer is now being used everywhere such as in college, in hospital, office, etc.

So let us know the uses of computers. Let’s Start …

Uses of Computers in Science & Technology


Uses of Computers in Science & Technology

Computer is the oldest friend of the scientist. This is because computers are not only being used in the field of science and technology since its invention. Therefore, the field of science and technology is also not untouched by it.

Scientists use computers to share information with each other. They also complete their research work through it. Engineers also complete their complex equations and designs in computers in minutes. Computers’ contribution to the weather forecast, operation of transport, space, geography, etc. is remarkable.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Education


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Education

Since the computer has come in the field of education, the level of education has increased. With the advent of the computer in education, many students can easily get information about anything sitting in the house by the internet. From today’s school to college students, everybody spends about 4 to 5 hours on the internet and a lot of information is available at home.

Getting the right information becomes a kind of challenge, but since the computer and the internet have come into this world, we do not have to wait for long periods of any kind of information, because we can’t do any kind of computer and internet Types of information can be obtained in minutes.

In today’s day, any kind of project students meets, which is very easy to make by computer. Now there is a time of digital learning too, that means many online courses have been started so that students can take any course information from the house sitting, meaning that any type, of course, can be done online.

Uses of Computer in The Of Field of Defense


Uses of Computer in The Of Field of Defense:

There are many types of computer use such as Controlling UAV or Unmanned Aircraft is an example. It is also used on Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) which uses GPS and computer to help target the missile.

Computer is used to track incoming missiles and helps in the destruction of these weapons to help many weapon systems. Computer is used to help the army, where it reveals what their assets are (communication awareness) and communication/battle management system

Uses of Computer in logistics and serial work to get the equipment in and around the battlefield are very helpful. A computer is used in tanks and aircraft and ships to target the enemy army, helps in running the platform and recently helps to diagnose any problem with platforms.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Internet Banking


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Internet Banking

Nowadays, everyone is very well-versed with this word. Do you know that you can also use Internet Banking for Online Money Transaction? There are some other names like Net Banking and Online Banking.

In which the Bank Account Holder is required to login to the Bank’s official Website. Any Online Transaction can be done by logging in with the User Login ID and Password. For which a user needs a computer. This is a secure transaction. You have come to know how much use of the computer is in this world.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Banking


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Banking

In the banking field, the computer is used to keep a record of its customer. A kind of computer is used to keep a variety of banking records, such as to keep a record of transactions, to provide a cheque book.

Most of the banks provide online facility to their customers so that their customers can handle all the work related to the sitting bank. All banks are computerized for customer work (related to banking) so that all the customers can perform the work.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Business


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Business

Today the use of computers has started growing in business. Almost all types of business use computers and computers are used for different types of business, such as to create a computerized bill, to prepare a list of goods kept in the store, etc. Through the computer and internet, we can reach our business to the whole world.

Through the computer, we can make our business cashless so that the customer can pay us online. Nowadays it is very important to advertise the business because computers and the internet allow us to show ads to our business throughout the world. Computers have become a very good tool to accelerate business.

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Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Government


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Government

For all government departments, the computer is being used in all departments, all the works can be done quickly and easily through the uses of computers. Nowadays, a computer is used to improve the traffic system i.e., the traffic is controlled by the computer, which makes it very easy to control traffic.

In today’s day, all computers in the government office are used for different purposes such as booking tickets in the railway department, registering cases in the police station, controlling the traffic signal, etc. Apart from this, there are many more offices where a computer is used.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Whether Department


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Whether Department

In the meteorological department, the computer is used to find the weather. There are many advantages, such as we first know about the weather and after that, we make our routine according to the weather. Farmers have a lot of facilities by getting information from the weather before the computer, like when the harvest will be good, what the weather will be like today.

Still, most of the farmers are unable to access the information of the weather department and due to this the crops of many farmers are wasted, someone’s crops are wasted due to lack of water if anybody’s crop gets wasted due to excessive water Are.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Sports


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Sports

In game jump, we also need to keep kind of information and if the information is recorded by the computer, it can speed up the operation of the game jump and all the data from the game can be easily replaced from one place to another.

In the sports, we need a computer to record the kind of information like the record of the player i.e. the player’s information, the scoreboard, the movement of sports, etc. We have a huge advantage of recording the movement of sports by computer, whenever we want to see the entire movement of that sport again.

Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Medical


Uses Of Computers in The Field Of Medical

The uses of computers in the medical and health sector are a boon. It has given the doctors the hope that they can now face almost any kind of health problem. With the use of computers in the medical field, patients can easily be recorded and can be found with a single click.

Computers are also used to diagnose a disease. The health of the patient can be monitored momentarily. Almost every type that is being checked is done by Computerized Machine.

Uses Of Computers At Home


Uses Of Computers At Home

The uses of computers at homes is now commonplace. Today everyone wants to get it. Computers have changed the way we work. The work that the first eight people used to do makes the computer faster and accurate.

That’s why people have started using computers more. Computers are used in many functions in homes. We can prepare our home budget by computer. On computers, we can listen to songs, download videos, and watch movies.

Uses Of Computers In E-Commerce & Online Marketing


Uses Of Computers In E-Commerce & Online Marketing

After the arrival of computers, a huge boom came in e-commerce or online marketing. Until a few years ago, we could not even imagine that we can buy any kind of salmon sitting at home, but today, from small to small things to home, Can do it.

According to a survey, the online shopping industry is increasing every year with 20-25% growth. Electronic banking is playing a big role in online shopping. You can also pay any luggage while sitting at home and pay online and all this is possible due to the computer.

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